
18 ott 2024 - 17.23

hai scelto: 
USDA - Dairy and Egg Products
Milk, lowfat, fluid, 1% milkfat, protein fortified, with added vitamin A and vitamin D

valori princiali


Parte edibile :- %
Acqua :88,74g
Energia :48kcal
Energia :203kJ
Proteine :3,93g
Proteine :- %
Proteine aggiustate :- g
Lipidi :1,17g
Lipidi :- %
Ash :0,86g
Carboidrati :5,52g
Carboidrati :- %
Fibra :0g
Fibra solubile :- g
Fibra insolubile :- g
Zuccheri :- g
Saccarosio :- g
Glucosio :- g
Fruttosio :- g
Lattosio :- g
Maltosio :- g
Galattosio :- g
Amido :- g
Alcool :- g
Alcool :- %
Caffeina :- mg
Teobromina :- mg

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